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Lutheran Women in Mission

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;

his love endures forever.

Psalm 118:1

The LWML chapter at St. John's convenes every Second Thursday of the month following 6:00 Vespers.


All women of our congregation are invited!


You can learn more about the LWML and its mission by clicking the image below

LWML logo for church web page[1233].jpg



About the LWML emblem: A heart to represent the love and giving nature of the members; a drop to symbolize the blood of Christ and tear of compassion; and a cross above all else to proudly show purpose behind the efforts of the LWML.

What do we do?

Christian Life Committee


...shall be responsible for organizing coffee and cookies after Lenten services.

...shall be responsible for remembrances to shut-ins at Christmas.



Leader Development/ Hope Committee


...shall be responsible for remebrances to shut-ins at Easter.

...shall be responsible for organizing coffee and cookies after Advent services.

Human Care Committee


...shall be responsible for organizing the confirmation/graduation brunch





Mite Boxes


The Mite boxes remind us to share our blessings from God, to pray for mission projects, to thank the Lord for such mission oppurtunities, to recognize what our mites can do when joined together.

75% of our mite box funds go to district programs and projects

25% support international programs

LWML Pledge

In fervent gratitude for the Savior's dying love, and His blood-bought gift of redemption, we dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have, and in obedience to His call for workers in the harvest field, we pledge Him our willing service, wherever and whenever He hath need of us.


We consecrate to our Savior

our hands to work for Him,

our feet to go on His errands,

our voice to sing praises,

our lips to proclaim His redeeming love,

our silver and our gold to extend His kingdom,

our will to do His will,

and every power of our life to the great task of bringing the lost and erring into eternal fellowship with Him.

St. John's Lutheran Church



On the Corner of 5th and Montana

Lovell, Wyoming 82431

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