Book Club
5:30 pm on the Last Thursday of the Month
(May through October)​
This year, we're going to be reading through two different works from the 1520s: The Freedom of the Will by Desiderius Erasmus and Martin Luther's response titled The Bondage of the Will.
While you'll be able to follow along in any translation, it's important that whatever binding you have includes both the Bondage of the Will and The Freedom of the Will since we'll be comparing how Luther and Erasmus interact with each other. I recommend and will be using
Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation, edited by Rupp and Watson. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1969
You can purchase a new copy at Amazon for around $30, or you can poke around the internet and find a used copy (note that there are different covers for different printings, but as long as it says "Library of Christian Classics" you'll have the right one)
Download an Outline and Schedule of Readings here
Previous Books​
Spirituality of the Cross by Gene Veith
The Hammer of God by Bo Giertz
The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
What if It's True? by Charles Martin