Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress
Fourth Sunday after The Epiphany
Almighty God, You know we live in the midst of so many dangers that in our frailty we cannot stand upright. Grant strength and protection to support us in all dangers and carry us through all temptations; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

An Overview
Artwork: The Calm Sea, Gustave Courbet French, 1869. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 812
The Old Testament
Jonah 1:1-17​
Translation Notes
The Epistle
Romans 13:8-17​
Translation Notes
The Holy Gospel
Matthew 8:23-37
Translation Notes
Poetry Used in the Liturgy of Epiphany 4
Psalm 107​​
Psalm 96
Psalm 102
Psalm 97
For study and devotional guides on the Psalms, click here
Seek Where You May to Find a Way
Artwork: "Jonah and the Whale", Folio from a Majma' al-Tavarikh (Compendium of Histories) of Hafiz-i Abru, Author Hafiz-i Abru Iranian, ca. 1425. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 455

Further Reading & Listening
Artwork: Christ Asleep during the Tempest, Eugène Delacroix French, ca. 1853. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 801